The golden eagle in this painting is
carrying food for his offspring. The expression on the eagle's face shows
him to be a responsible parent who doesn't eat his food before taking it
to the family first. I really liked working on this painting. It's fairly
detailed and the branches go deep into the painting. I like the serene
atmosphere and the silent flight of
the golden eagle. I had already moved to Raleigh. North carolina
when I started work on this painting. I was able to take walks during
lunchtime and observe the bark (key ingredient of this painting after the
eagle) of the local trees like pine, birch etc. I can keep looking at the
bark for hours. It makes you admire nature for it's creativity. I am fascinated
by the golden eagle also. It's coat is amazing, feather's arranged in interesting
combination. The power in his body and the dignity
and the discipline, the sharpness in the eyes, the determination and the
ability to focus all his energies on the target to achieve what he wants.
amazing!!. We can learn a lot from nature and it's creation, each unique
in it's abilities, ready to teach to the one who is
eager to learn. May be over the next few days relax and
go for a walk in a wooded area and watch the sun dance around the vegetation,
watch lights and shadows moving with the wind. let wind blow through your
hair and then take a deep breath and thank god for what you are. A miraculous
creation of nature.